Mob Psycho 100 is a manga/anime series by ONE (creator of One Punch Man). It was serialized on Ura Sunday from April 18 2012 to December 22 2017. The plot follows a boy named Shigeo Kageyama (nicknamed "Mob"), who seems to be "average" but has extremely powerful psychic abilties. While he works for his boss Reigen Arataka as a exorcist (to control his powers), he tries to live a simple life...
The anime adaptation was done by BONES and aired from July 12, 2016 to December 22, 2022.
Written and drawn by ONE. The manga serialized from April 18, 2012 in the webcomic magazine Ura Sunday. It finished on December 22, 2017. It had a total of 101 chapters and was compilied into 16 physical volumes.
A spin-off named Reigen: The Man With a MAX Spirituality Level of 131 which serialized from March 19, 2018 to February 19, 2019. It had a total of 7 chapters and was compilied as 1 physical volume.
The anime was announced on December 2, 2015 by Ura Sunday, and was produced by Studio BONES.
The 1st season aired from July 16, 2016 to September 27, 2016.
The 2nd season aired from January 7, 2019 to April 1, 2019
The third and final season aired from October 6 2022 to December 22, 2022
Currently, there is 2 OVAs. The first being Mob Psycho 100: Reigen ~The Miraculous Unknown Psychic~ (Released March 18, 2018), and the second one being Mob Psycho 100: The Spirits and Such Consultation Office's First Company Outing ~A Healing Trip that Warms the Heart~ (Released September 25, 2019)
A Japanese Drama TV show aired from January 18, 2018 to April 5, 2018.
There was 3 stageplays, Mob Psycho 100: The Stage Play, Mob Psycho 100: The Stage Play ~urataiura~, and Mob Psycho 100: The Stage Play - A Clash with Claw’s Seventh Division!
There is currently 2 drama cds, Mob Psycho 100: Psychic Human Show & Mob Psycho 100 OVA Drama CD.
The official fanbook was published on November 17, 2022
Be warned that I'm just not too good at these things... Might be a bit bad lolz. (Beware of Misspellings!)
How i got into mp100 was... well i don't exactly remember but there was a bit of mp100 on my twt tl (of mostly reigen tho), and i heard it was good so i put it onto my watchlist. Suddenly I just wanted to watch mp100 and I thought it was gonna be another anime i would enjoy and put onto my list of 'anime i completed'. I had no fucking clue what was coming for me.
My feelings on the show when i first watched it is exactly how the tumblr screenshot descirbed it. It shocked me of how fucking good it was, the animation? incredible. THE CHARACTERS??????????? AMAZING. I don't know how to explain it well but god i really mean it when i say it geniunely changed my life for the better. the lessons it teaches impacted me that no other anime did, like sure i may take in a lesson here and there but my god mob psycho just reallyyy did something to me. mein gott. how it got me was the ONE scene with reigen and mob, where reigen tells mob its "okay to run away!". And idk but deep somewhere in my mind i guess i just really needed that. The 'nobody is special' thing is great, 'everyone has sides of them that they don't like', everything that this series teaches is amazingggg (btw i love this series' self-acceptance thingy, instead of self-love its self acceptance which is great, god. like fucking damn I LOVE THIS SHOWW!!!).
btw s2 is great, that scene with emi is absolutely beautiful. And not to mention the massive amounts of character development my fucking god. Seperation arc is fucking great like holyyy shit dude. I have to mention the characters like wtf man. These characters are so great and have really compeling and good arcs. God when i think about the characters they have such great development.. the ones im most attached to are ofc mob & reigen, and shou. But honestly everyone is amazing dude.
After i had finshed s2 i basically kinda got . fixated on the show lmao. And i joined the fandom, which btw is a great one not perfect by any means, but i really enjoyed being there it was really fun. (im still in the fandom btw, i love it a lot). I enjoyed being there while s3 was airing, god that was great.
s3 is amazing btw i adore alien arc it's my fav arc in the season. oh man.. confession arc... now that- that is an arc. (when i read the manga i bawled my eyes out while reading it, it's great.) (you should go read the manga, i love ONE's artstyle and the fact you can see his art improve while he works on the manga is soooooo good)
while this is absolutely not the perfect piece of text explaining as to why I love mp100, I will share some stuff in the "fan content & such" box to show why i adore the show also. Anyway, all i can really say is that this anime definately impacted me in such a way i can't but thank it. Man, idk all i can say is to watch it, and see why i and so many others adore this show as much as I do. This show will always have a special place in my heart, so thanks for everything.
To watch: AniWave, allmanga, any of these sites or Drive link
To read: Mangadex, or any of these sites
Password: lemonsandsalt
File Size: 16.1 GB
Includes Arabic Subtitles (NO ENGLISH)
In case you want to get into the series
A collection of art from BONES and ONE (Forever a WIP!) (Takes a little bit to load due to many images)
A list of translated (or paritally) interviews with ONE, JP VAs & staff, throughout the years (I'll try my best to keep it in chronological order) (wip)
ONE PART 1 & PART 2 of ONE Interview - Yamada Reiji’s Young Sunday ep.30 - 10/23/2015
Otomedia April 2019
Otomedia August 2019
Spoon.2di April 2018
[Itou Setsuo] [MOB va]
[Sakurai Takahiro] [REIGEN va]
[Hoshino Takanori] [SERIZAWA va]
[Sato Miyo]
Interview with ONE and Director Tachikawa - 2016 (Half translated)
[ONE & Director Tachikawa] - MP100 Character Guidebook - ONE & Director Tachikawa’s Character Comments on Main 5
[Various Staff] - MP100 Character Guidebook
[Various Staff] - Otomedia 2022
A old web styled forum page for mp100 fans!! please join its very fun :3 (and you might see a familiar face (me) on there..)
how MOB PSYCHO 100 changed my life (Video essay)
Mob Psycho 100 - When Kindness Prevails all (Video essay)
Why I Love Dimple (Video essay)
Why Everyone Loves Reigen (Video Essay)
Ritsu and Teru and Subtlety (Video essay)
is mob autistic? - MP100 analysis (Video essay)
Mob Psycho 100 - Become a good person (Video essay)
The Value of a Fraud | Mob Psycho 100 (Video essay)
Mob Psycho 100, Mental Health and the Shonen Aesthetic (Video essay)
Don't Get In The Robot Mob! (Evangelion, Mob Psycho 100, & learning to run away) (Video essay)
Getting "The Power of Friendship" Right | Mob Psycho 100 Analysis (Video essay)
Why You Should Watch Mob Psycho 100 (Video essay)
100% Blind Mob Psycho 100 Review | SEASON ONE (Video review)
100% Blind Mob Psycho 100 Review | SEASON TWO (Video review)
100% Blind Mob Psycho 100 Review: SEASON THREE (The End) (Video review)
Mob Psycho 100, Outsider Art, the Shaggs, and You! (Blog post) (FAV)
Tsubomi Analysis (Tumblr Blog Post)
S3 & final arc (Small tumblr blog post)
The Philosophy Of The World by Grocerystorephobic - a fanfic set in 1970s japan!! what if the kageyama brothers were the shaggs?? (no powers au but its good) absolute all time favorite fanfic of all time!! also introduced me to one my favorite bands of all time (the shaggs!!! i love them so...) (also check out their amvs!! its way too fucking good like jesus christ, that eva amv is sooo good)
Sword of Damocles by orphan_account - a huge comfort fic of mine :) a slow redemption arc with teruki :) (also is a terumob fic :D) (no powers au but its goodx2)
Issho by ToastyToaster22 - listen. i have not finshed this fic yet but holy shit it is really good!! (can you tell what fics about which character i like to read about?? hey. hi teru makes me insane)
rainspeak by quirkle - i love these kids sm :) good god the way the characters interact and their actions with eachother is so so good :) i love reigen just.. trying his best to keep the kids safe dude. also the ending is just.. great :)
THE GREAT YAOI HIVEMIND LIBRAY - collection. anything by these people are like reallyyy good fics super in character, idk how they make such great fics dude but PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT (times they are a changing RUINED ME! and i have not finished the fic yet (not even halfway through) give me 5 years and i will!)
THIS IS LIFE by plovers - its just... such a caring fic.. thats all i can say. idk man its just super good dude
paprika by snapdragonsuplex - oughhh serirei and also reigen and his sister drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!! these fuckers are STUPID and i love them so :))))))))))))))))) also yokai + trans reigen yippee!!!!!
Drawer Full of Pamphlets by Bearberrythief - the kids consoling in reigen!! very queer and shit. idk its just a super cute fic :')))) you love to see it
Plant Their Hearts In Community Gardens by waitineedaname - ougghhhhh such a great character study of mob!! its such a great fic exploring his thoughts about his powers and such + TRANS GIRL MOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
A Pair of Parents (or lackthereof) by ToastyToaster22 - i didnt even realize they wrote these fics... theyre such a good teru writer dude.. you should def check out their fics its all just- so fucking good!! (i love the kageyamas in these series of fics esp!)
Have a Ball (Python) by waitineedaname - this is literally the best dyanamic of shou & ritsu ever. ritsu doing crazy shit and acting as though thats normal and shou doing normal shit and thinking thats crazy (plus just going along with the ride w ritsu) its great and im a big fan of ritsu of being a fan of reptiles (its semented into my brain!!!!!!!!!!!)
Heart Like a Glowstick by BeyondTheClouds777 - reigen dies (rip bozo), haha jk... unless?? (i like the 2nd chapter the most tbh :D)