Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (abbreviated to 'YKK') is a manga released in 1994 by Hitoshi Ashinano. The plot follows a Android named 'Alpha'. She tends a cafe in the slowly dying peaceful world (Humans are slowly dying, No TV, The land is decreasing with the water levels rising, etc.) And along the way she befriends some people.
The first OVA released in 1998 was animated traditionally. The 1st OVA had 2 episodes around 29 min. The second OVA released in 2002 was animated digitally. The 2nd OVA had 2 episodes which are around 32 min.
YKK was drawn and written by Hitoshi Ashinano. It serialized in Monthly Afternoon Magazine from Apr 25, 1994 to Feb 25, 2006 with 142 chapters. In which, 14 physical volumes were released. In English, they were instead complied into 3 physical volumes by Seven Seas.
How I discovered YKK was via an ani youtuber I enjoy (Kenny Laurderdale), in which on one of this videos he exclusively talked about YKK, I didn't immediately begin to watch it after that, I just kinda put it on my watchlist to watch someday in the future. But then a lot time passed and I finally decided to start reading the Manga lol. But honestly I think reading the Manga first then the OVAs was a better decision since I can just... can of soak in the art, visuals, and characters much better. (Not saying the anime doesn't do that, oh it absolutely does it...) But just taking in every person's little pieces of their lives and learning a little bit about them... Idk its something special? Like when Alpha had to rebulid the cafe and we get to see her thoughts and processes through rebuliding bit by bit. I don't know... its something. And then eventually at the end of the manga, life moves on, and so do the characters... (moving onto what they want in their life yknow). And then so after I started to watch the 90s OVA, and i absolutely adore it! Its like everything I love about Slice Of Life anime into one package! I haven't watched the 2000s OVA yet... but I'll be sure to! (someday..) But, YKK is something special and it gives me hope for the future of humanity somehow. Like, we will progress with speed and pain and die slowly and peacefully. The future, it will be okay. I don't man, but YKK has got to be one of my favorite manga ever, from the story (or lack of), art, and general peacefullness of a post-apocalyptic world. It's amazing manga and one should definitely read once in their life.